Tuesday, June 14, 2005

GHSA Report on Speeding

From the Governors Highway Safety Association:
"The most recent Survey of the States report,"Speeding," details efforts to control speeding by motorists. The report comes ten years after Congress repealed the National Maximum Speed Limit (NMSL), which had required states to keep speed limits at a maximum of 65 miles per hour in rural areas and 55 mph in urban areas. This most recent Survey of the States report summarizes efforts to reduce speeding-related fatalities and also provides a snapshot of individual state countermeasures. Of the 50 GHSA jurisdictions that responded, 38 indicated a speed limit increase since 1994. In releasing the report, GHSA notes that states should have experienced a significant decline in speeding-related fatalities given the tremendous gains in safety belt use coupled with the increasingly safe design of vehicles. However, statistics indicate speeding-related fatalities have remained fairly level since NMSL was repealed, which would indicate the safety benefits have been minimized by increasing speeds. A total of 47 states, one territory, the Indian Nations and the District of Columbia contributed data and information for the report." Read more... especially the Wisconsin section of the report.