Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems
E-LawLibrary Weblog reports:
"The 2003 edition of the Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems is available at the American Bar Association's Web site. The Survey, which the ABA Standing Committee on Professional Discipline publishes, reports that disciplinary actions were taken against 3,725 attorneys for misconduct in 2003. Fifty five disciplinary agencies received nearly 120,000 complaints, but over 62,000 of them were summarily dismissed. Another 45,000 complaints were dismissed after investigation. Just under 3,000 lawyers were formally charged.
The 2003 Survey consists of eight charts arranged alphabetically by jurisdiction. (The charts are Excel files.) Survey results are available back to 1998"
In 2003 Wisconsin had 21,112 lawyers with an active license. 2,261 complaints were received by the disciplinary agency that year.
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