Legal Research Tip 17: Finding instruction in using legal resources
Welcome to the next issue of the DCLRC E-Newsletter "Legal Research Tips"! You can view back issues of these tips through other posts in this blawg. Enjoy!
Looking for learning opportunities about legal topics and resources? Here are a few local places to check.
1. WI State Law Library's Classes and Tours page lists upcoming learning opportunities and other events.
2. Madison Public Library's Program and Events page lists upcoming classes and other events, some of which may be law-related.
3. UW-Law Library's Instructional Services page lists tips and guides for using the library's resources and services.
4. DCLRC's Classes and Information Sessions page lists upcoming classes and events, but also look at the most recent issues of DCLRC Docket newsletter for more information on upcoming classes.
5. Some community groups offer classes and other events that are law-related. Look especially at those agencies who also offer legal assistance to see what they may offer.
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