Monday, May 02, 2005

LDAP Debuts at DCLRC

As reported in the May DCLRC newsletter, the Local Decision Access Project is up and running! The Project makes selected decisions of the Dane Co Circuit Court judges available to the public.

The decisions are arranged by court branch number in binders and are located next to the Wisconsin Reports at DCLRC. So far, the decisions are indexed by judge/branch and statute. The decisions are being indexed by subject by UW law school students and a subject index will be added this summer.

Phase II of this project will make the decisions available online and is expected to be launched later this year. This project is a cooperative venture between DCLRC, DCBA, and the Dane Co Circuit Court, with assistance from the UW Law School students and WI State Law Library. Please visit DCLRC to view the decision depository or email with questions.